Day 2 - RNA-Seq Analysis
Day 2 - RNA-Seq Analysis
Alignment, BAM, FASTA, FASTQ, QC, Exploratory-analysis, Feature-summarisation, Pre-processing
- Jenny Drnevich @jenny
- Radhika Khetani @radhika
- Jessica Kirkpatrick
- Both
Day 2 continues throught the steps in a typical RNA-Seq experiment from alignment to sample QC and count normalization, including a brief overview of the IGV Genome Browser.
This day aims to details the considerations of alignment to a genome and/or transcriptome, visualizing the alignments in a genome browswer, summarizing counts at the gene/transcript/exon level, and using Bioconductor packages for sample QC and normalization.
- Basic UNIX and how to submit jobs to a computing cluster
- Basic knowledge of R
- All the information in Day 1, but not the practical outputs
Target audience
Graduates students/post docs/beginning faculty
Learning objectives
- Be able to decide when to align to a genome or transcriptome
- Be able to describe the different "levels" of a gene feature and how to generate counts at each level
- Be able to follow and modify UNIX scripts for alignment and count generation, and R scripts for QC and normalization
- Lecture on alignment, IGV and count generation
- Review of GFF file format
- Lecture on QC and normalization
- How to track sample reads at each step
- All data needed to run Day 2 practicals
6 hours contact time; practicals intersperced with lectures; easily can fit into 1 day + lunch and breaks
Content stability
Should be stable
Technical requirements
- UNIX server with STAR >= 2.4.0i, and subread >= 1.4.6-p1. Also IGV >= 2.3 and R >= 3.1.3 on any OS.
Literature references
Keywords: Alignment, BAM, FASTA, FASTQ, QC, Exploratory-analysis, Feature-summarisation, Pre-processing
Activity log