De novo transcriptome assembly, annotation, and differential expression analysis
As a result of the development of novel sequencing technologies, the years between 2008 and 2012 saw a large drop in the cost of sequencing. Per megabase and genome, the cost dropped to 1/100,000th and 1/10,000th of the price, respectively. Prior to this, only transcriptomes of organisms that were of broad interest and utility to scientific research were sequenced; however, these developed in 2010s high-throughput sequencing (also called next-generation sequencing) technologies are both cost- and labor- effective, and the range of organisms studied via these methods is expanding.
About This Material
This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.
Questions this will address
- Which biological questions are addressed by the tutorial?
- Which bioinformatics techniques are important to know for this type of data?
Learning Objectives
- The learning objectives are the goals of the tutorial
- They will be informed by your audience and will communicate to them and to yourself what you should focus on during the course
- They are single sentences describing what a learner should be able to do once they have completed the tutorial
- You can use Bloom's Taxonomy to write effective learning objectives
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Transcriptomics
Target audience: Students
Resource type: e-learning
Version: 8
Status: Draft
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
- Mapping
- Quality Control
Learning objectives:
- The learning objectives are the goals of the tutorial
- They will be informed by your audience and will communicate to them and to yourself what you should focus on during the course
- They are single sentences describing what a learner should be able to do once they have completed the tutorial
- You can use Bloom's Taxonomy to write effective learning objectives
Date modified: 2023-11-09
Date published: 2020-02-13
Contributors: Björn Grüning, Gildas Le Corguillé, Saskia Hiltemann
Scientific topics: Transcriptomics
Activity log