
Evaluating and ranking a set of pathways based on multiple metrics


Progress in synthetic biology is enabled by powerful bioinformatics tools such as those aimed to design metabolic pathways for the production of chemicals. These tools are available in SynBioCAD portal which is the first Galaxy set of tools for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering.

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • How to evaluate a set of heterologous pathways ?

Learning Objectives

  • Calculate the production flux of the lycopene target molecule using Flux Balance Analysis tool.
  • Compute thermodynamics values to optimize the yield of the reaction producing the lycopene using Thermo tool.
  • Compute the global score for the previous annotated pathways.
  • Rank the computed heterologous pathways depending on their score.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Synthetic Biology

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 7

Status: Active


Introduction to Galaxy Analyses

Learning objectives:

  • Calculate the production flux of the lycopene target molecule using Flux Balance Analysis tool.
  • Compute thermodynamics values to optimize the yield of the reaction producing the lycopene using Thermo tool.
  • Compute the global score for the previous annotated pathways.
  • Rank the computed heterologous pathways depending on their score.

Date modified: 2024-06-14

Date published: 2022-09-26

Authors: Guillaume Gricourt, Ioana Popescu, Jean-Loup Faulon, Joan Hérisson, Kenza Bazi-Kabbaj, Thomas Duigou

Contributors: Helena Rasche, Kenza Bazi-Kabbaj, Saskia Hiltemann

Scientific topics: Synthetic biology

Activity log