Object tracking using CellProfiler
Most biological processes are dynamic and observing them over time can provide valuable insights. Combining fluorescent markers with time-lapse imaging is a common approach to collect data on dynamic cellular processes such as cell division (e.g.,. However, automated time-lapse imaging can produce large amounts of data that can be challenging to process. One of these challenges is the tracking of individual objects as it is often impossible to manually follow a large number of objects over many time points.
About This Material
This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.
Questions this will address
- How to segment and track objects in fluorescence time-lapse microscopy images?
Learning Objectives
- Segment fluorescent objects using CellProfiler in Galaxy
- Track objects over multiple frames using CellProfiler in Galaxy
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Imaging
Target audience: Students
Resource type: e-learning
Version: 8
Status: Active
- Creating, Editing and Importing Galaxy Workflows
- FAIR Bioimage Metadata
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
- REMBI - Recommended Metadata for Biological Images – metadata guidelines for bioimaging data
Learning objectives:
- Segment fluorescent objects using CellProfiler in Galaxy
- Track objects over multiple frames using CellProfiler in Galaxy
Date modified: 2024-10-15
Date published: 2021-03-17
Contributors: Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Cristóbal Gallardo, Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
Scientific topics: Imaging
Activity log