
Pathogen detection from (direct Nanopore) sequencing data using Galaxy - Foodborne Edition


Food contamination with pathogens is a major burden on our society. In the year 2019, foodborne pathogens caused 137 hospitalisations in Germany (BVL 2019). Globally, they affect an estimated 600 million people a year and impact socioeconomic development at different levels. These outbreaks are mainly due to Salmonella spp. followed by Campylobacter spp. and Noroviruses, as studied by the Food safety - World Health Organization (WHO).

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • What are the preprocessing steps to prepare ONT sequencing data for further analysis?
  • How to identify pathogens using sequencing data?
  • How to track the found pathogens through all your samples datasets?

Learning Objectives

  • Check quality reports generated by FastQC and NanoPlot for metagenomics Nanopore data
  • Preprocess the sequencing data to remove adapters, poor quality base content and host/contaminating reads
  • Perform taxonomy profiling indicating and visualizing up to species level in the samples
  • Identify pathogens based on the found virulence factor gene products via assembly, identify strains and indicate all antimicrobial resistance genes in samples
  • Identify pathogens via SNP calling and build the consensus gemone of the samples
  • Relate all samples' pathogenic genes for tracking pathogens via phylogenetic trees and heatmaps

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Heatmap, Microbiome, Nanopore data analysis, Pathogens detection, Phylogenetic tree, cyoa, microgalaxy

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 11

Status: Active


Introduction to Galaxy Analyses

Learning objectives:

  • Check quality reports generated by FastQC and NanoPlot for metagenomics Nanopore data
  • Preprocess the sequencing data to remove adapters, poor quality base content and host/contaminating reads
  • Perform taxonomy profiling indicating and visualizing up to species level in the samples
  • Identify pathogens based on the found virulence factor gene products via assembly, identify strains and indicate all antimicrobial resistance genes in samples
  • Identify pathogens via SNP calling and build the consensus gemone of the samples
  • Relate all samples' pathogenic genes for tracking pathogens via phylogenetic trees and heatmaps

Date modified: 2024-09-27

Date published: 2023-01-26

Authors: Bérénice Batut, Engy Nasr, Paul Zierep

Contributors: Björn Grüning, Bérénice Batut, Cristóbal Gallardo, Deepti Varshney, Engy Nasr, Hans-Rudolf Hotz, Helena Rasche, Paul Zierep, Saskia Hiltemann, Wolfgang Maier

Scientific topics: Metagenomics, Microbial ecology, Public health and epidemiology, Taxonomy, Sequence assembly, Pathology, Sequence analysis

Activity log