
Predicting EI+ mass spectra with QCxMS


Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique used in many fields, including proteomics, metabolomics, drug discovery and many more areas relying on compound identifications. Even though nowadays MS is a standard and popular method, there are many compounds which lack experimental spectra. In those cases, predicting mass spectra from the chemical structure can reveal useful information, help in compound identification and expand the spectral databases, improving the accuracy and efficiency of database search. [,].

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • Can I predict QC-based mass spectra starting from SMILES?
  • How can I run those computationally heavy predictions?
  • Can I take into account different conformers?

Learning Objectives

  • To prepare structure-data format (SDF) files for further operations analysis, starting from chemical structure descriptors in simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) format.
  • To generate 3D conformers and optimise them using semi-empirical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods.
  • To produce simulated mass spectra for a given molecule in MSP (text based) format.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Metabolomics

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 1

Status: Active


  • Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
  • Mass spectrometry: GC-MS data processing (with XCMS, RAMClustR, RIAssigner, and matchms)
  • Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing - advanced
  • Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing with XCMS

Learning objectives:

  • To prepare structure-data format (SDF) files for further operations analysis, starting from chemical structure descriptors in simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) format.
  • To generate 3D conformers and optimise them using semi-empirical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods.
  • To produce simulated mass spectra for a given molecule in MSP (text based) format.

Date modified: 2024-10-01

Date published: 2024-10-01

Authors: Helge Hecht, Julia Jakiela

Contributors: Julia Jakiela, Melanie Föll, Saskia Hiltemann

Scientific topics: Metabolomics

Activity log