
RNA-Seq analysis with AskOmics Interactive Tool


AskOmics is a web application for data integration and querying using the Semantic Web technologies. It helps users to convert multiple data sources (CSV/TSV files, GFF and BED annotation) into "RDF triples" and store them in a specific kind of database: an "RDF triplestore". Under this form, data can then be queried using a specific language: "SPARQL". AskOmics hides the complexity of these technologies and allows to perform complex queries using a user-friendly interface.

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • How to integrate RNA-Seq results with other datasets using AskOmics?
  • How to query these datasets to answer a biological question?
  • How to exploit a distant SPARQL endpoint to retrieve information?

Learning Objectives

  • Launch an AskOmics Interactive Tool
  • Integrate RNA-Seq and reference datasets into AskOmics
  • Create a complex query to get over-expressed genes, their location on the reference genome, and check if they are included in a known QTL
  • Complete the query to get the human homologs and their location using neXtProt database

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Transcriptomics

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 13

Status: Active


  • 2: RNA-seq counts to genes
  • Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
  • Mapping
  • Quality Control

Learning objectives:

  • Launch an AskOmics Interactive Tool
  • Integrate RNA-Seq and reference datasets into AskOmics
  • Create a complex query to get over-expressed genes, their location on the reference genome, and check if they are included in a known QTL
  • Complete the query to get the human homologs and their location using neXtProt database

Date modified: 2023-11-09

Date published: 2020-07-09

Authors: Anne Siegel, Anthony Bretaudeau, Mateo Boudet, Olivier Dameron, Xavier Garnier

Contributors: Anthony Bretaudeau, Björn Grüning, Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann, Xavier Garnier

Scientific topics: Transcriptomics

External resources:

Activity log