RO-Crate - Introduction
This tutorial assumes you have already completed An overview of the RO-Crate concept and its implementations and have a basic understanding of working with JSON.
About This Material
This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.
Questions this will address
- How do I package data in a FAIR way?
- How can I list the authors of individual files?
- Can I use multiple licenses in the same data package?
- How can I visualize JSON-LD metadata?
Learning Objectives
- Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON
- Describe each part of the Research Object
- Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata
- Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research
Target audience: Students
Resource type: e-learning
Version: 4
Status: Active
- An overview of the RO-Crate concept and its implementations
- CLI basics
- Familiarity with JSON file format and editor/IDE
- Files and folder organization
Learning objectives:
- Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON
- Describe each part of the Research Object
- Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata
- Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers
Date modified: 2024-06-14
Date published: 2023-05-23
Contributors: Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
Activity log