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Scientific topic
- Biological sequences1
- Community analysis1
- DNA metabarcoding1
- Environmental metabarcoding1
- Environmental microbiology1
- Metabarcoding1
- Metagenomics1
- Microbial ecology1
- Microbiome1
- Molecular community analysis1
- RNA metabarcoding1
- Sequence analysis1
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- Shotgun metagenomics1
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- eDNA metabarcoding1
- eRNA metabarcoding1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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- microgalaxy
- plants4
- Assembly3
- Transcriptomics3
- VGP2
- eukaryote2
- pacbio2
- 16S1
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material1
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses1
- Microbiome1
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- Sequence analysis1
- Single Cell1
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- alternative splicing1
- animals1
- assembly1
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- isoform switching1
- metabarcoding1
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- nanopore1
- paper-replication1
- stress tolerance1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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- Students1
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- Cristóbal Gallardo
- Bérénice Batut17
- Pratik Jagtap6
- Saskia Hiltemann6
- Subina Mehta6
- Emma Leith5
- Anton Nekrutenko4
- Paul Zierep4
- Praveen Kumar4
- Simon Gladman4
- Timothy J. Griffin4
- Bazante Sanders3
- Delphine Lariviere3
- Engy Nasr3
- Marie Crane3
- Anna Syme2
- Christoph Stritt2
- Daniela Brites2
- Dave Clements2
- Galo A. Goig2
- Helena Rasche2
- Polina Polunina2
- Ray Sajulga2
- Torsten Seemann2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Anthony Bretaudeau1
- Clea Siguret1
- Clemens Blank1
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos1
- James Johnson1
- Mateo Boudet1
- Nathan Dunn1
- Nikos Pechlivanis1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Siyu Chen1
- Sophia Hampe1
- Teresa Müller1
- Thoba Lose1
- Willem de Koning1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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