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Scientific topic
- Algorithms36
- Computer programming36
- Data structures36
- Programming languages36
- Software development36
- Software engineering36
- Data management4
- Informatics4
- Information management4
- Information science4
- Knowledge management4
- Metadata management4
- Research data management (RDM)4
- Antimicrobial stewardship2
- Assembly2
- Biological sequences2
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- Exomes2
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- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- Medical microbiology2
- Microbial genetics2
- Microbial physiology2
- Microbial surveillance2
- Microbiological surveillance2
- Microbiology2
- Molecular infection biology2
- Molecular microbiology2
- Personal genomics2
- Record management2
- Sequence analysis2
- Sequence assembly2
- Sequence databases2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- DNA variation1
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- Gene and protein families1
- Gene families1
- Gene family1
- Gene system1
- Genes, gene family or system1
- Genetic linkage1
- Genetic variation1
- Genomic variation1
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- Linkage mapping1
- Mapping1
- Mutation1
- Polymorphism1
- Protein families1
- Protein sequence classification1
- Somatic mutations1
- Synteny1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
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- Galaxy18
- Galactic Circos4
- JBrowse3
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- BEDTools2
- Circos2
- FastQC2
- BCFtools1
- BamTools1
- Cutadapt1
- DeepTools1
- EGA1
- FASTX-Toolkit1
- FeatureCounts1
- GOseq1
- MultiQC1
- RSeQC1
- SAMtools1
- SPAdes1
- SRA Software Toolkit1
- VelvetOptimiser1
- annotatemyids1
- bx-python1
- compute_sequence_length1
- limma1
- seqtk1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training113
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- Galaxy Server administration36
- Foundations of Data Science31
- jupyter-notebook27
- ansible16
- git-gat13
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material11
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training7
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data6
- Visualisation6
- cyoa6
- SQL5
- deploying5
- Development in Galaxy4
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses4
- jobs4
- Genome Annotation3
- R3
- bash3
- gmod3
- jbrowse13
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- prokaryote3
- rmarkdown-notebook3
- Assembly2
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- wireguard2
- Python1
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- Sequence analysis1
- Transcriptomics1
- Variant Analysis1
- apollo21
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- ga4gh1
- json1
- rna-seq1
- sql1
- systemd1
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- viz1
- workflows1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner85
- Intermediate21
- Advanced7
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Target audience
- Students55
- Galaxy Administrators40
- Instructors18
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche
- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics90
- Bérénice Batut78
- Saskia Hiltemann52
- Björn Grüning37
- Anton Nekrutenko27
- bebatut27
- Anthony Bretaudeau25
- bgruening25
- Subina Mehta24
- The Carpentries23
- Michelle Brazas21
- Yvan Le Bras21
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos20
- Nicola Soranzo20
- Simon Gladman20
- Bazante Sanders18
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka18
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz18
- Marie Josse18
- Nate Coraor18
- Terri Attwood18
- Wandrille Duchemin18
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics17
- Wendi Bacon17
- Mehmet Tekman15
- Anne Fouilloux14
- Maria Doyle14
- Martin Morgan14
- Donny Vrins13
- James Johnson13
- Julia Jakiela13
- Katherine Do13
- Patricia Palagi13
- shiltemann13
- Cristóbal Gallardo12
- Egon Willighagen12
- Geert van Geest12
- Simon Andrews12
- Simon Bray12
- Wolfgang Maier12
- nekrut12
- Celia van Gelder11
- Mathieu Bourgey11
- Melanie Föll11
- Pratik Jagtap11
- Dave Clements10
- Delphine Lariviere10
- Khaled Jum'ah10
- Lucille Delisle10
- Mijke Jetten10
- Paul Yorke10
- Anup Kumar9
- Daniel Blankenberg9
- David Wishart9
- Jared Simpson9
- John Chilton9
- Marius van den Beek9
- Paul Zierep9
- Pavankumar Videm9
- allegra.via Via9
- Allegra Via8
- Anika Erxleben8
- Avans Hogeschool8
- Boris Steipe8
- Helen Brown8
- Malachi Griffith8
- Maria Levchenko8
- Matthias Fahrner8
- Robin Engler8
- Timothy J. Griffin8
- Alex Ostrovsky7
- Alexander Botzki7
- Alexandre Cormier7
- Anne Pajon7
- Erwan Corre7
- Florian Christoph Sigloch7
- Joachim Wolff7
- Kaivan Kamali7
- Korbinian Bösl7
- Laura Cooper7
- Laura Leroi7
- Martin Čech7
- Michael Charleston7
- Personalized Health Informatics Group7
- Praveen Kumar7
- Robert Andrews7
- Sergio Martínez Cuesta7
- Stéphanie Robin7
- pajanne7
- stortebecker7
- Andrew Mason6
- Anna Syme6
- Branka Franicevic6
- Christopher Barnett6
- Coline Royaux6
- Dayane Araujo6
- ELIXIR Goblet Train the Trainers6
- Eija Korpelainen6
- Elisabeth Gasteiger6
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Saskia Hiltemann104
- Helena Rasche102
- Björn Grüning66
- Nicola Soranzo43
- Anthony Bretaudeau40
- Bérénice Batut39
- Marius van den Beek36
- Martin Čech34
- Nate Coraor31
- Simon Gladman29
- Lucille Delisle23
- Donny Vrins20
- Bazante Sanders16
- Niall Beard16
- Wendi Bacon16
- Peter van Heusden14
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano13
- Cristóbal Gallardo12
- Gildas Le Corguillé10
- William Durand10
- Gianmauro Cuccuru8
- Mira Kuntz7
- Maria Doyle6
- Simon Bray6
- Tomas Klingström6
- Mehmet Tekman5
- Wolfgang Maier5
- David López4
- Anne Fouilloux3
- Dave Clements3
- John Chilton3
- Stéphanie Robin3
- Teresa Müller3
- Yvan Le Bras3
- Andrea Bagnacani2
- Anton Nekrutenko2
- Bert Droesbeke2
- Catherine Bromhead2
- Linelle Abueg2
- Marie Josse2
- Mirela Minkova2
- Mélanie Petera2
- Tunc Kayikcioglu2
- Vlad Visan2
- Armin Dadras1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Clemens Blank1
- Cyril Monjeaud1
- Dave B.1
- Edwin den Haas1
- Ekaterina Polkh1
- Eli Chadwick1
- Enis Afgan1
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Jasper Ouwerkerk1
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson1
- John Davis1
- José Manuel Domínguez1
- Julia Jakiela1
- Kweyakie Afi Blebo1
- Lain Pavot1
- Marisa Loach1
- Matthias Bernt1
- Matti Hoch1
- Melissa Burke1
- Michele Maroni1
- Nadia Goué1
- Nuwan Goonasekera1
- Oleg Zharkov1
- Pablo Moreno1
- Pavankumar Videm1
- Romane LIBOUBAN1
- Ross Lazarus1
- Sanjay Kumar Srikakulam1
- Sofoklis Keisaris1
- Torfinn Nome1
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Resource type
- e-learning93
- slides20
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Related resource
- Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook64
- Associated Training Datasets40
- Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)24
- Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)24
- ansible16
- Associated Workflows15
- git-gat13
- jobs4
- deploying3
- monitoring3
- cyoa2
- networking2
- storage2
- wireguard2
- authentication1
- automation1
- beacon1
- broken1
- cloud1
- collections1
- features1
- ga4gh1
- interactive-tools1
- systemd1
- tags1
- terraform1
- tools1
- training1
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