Training materials
Scientific topics: Genotyping
and Licence: License Not Specified
and Content provider: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
11 materials found
Recorded webinar
Investigating gene function and human disease through data on the IMPC portal
Accessing Mouse Phenotypes and Disease Associations with the IMPC Solr API: A complete Python guide
Data-driven plant sciences: A curated collection of EMBL-EBI on-demand training
Recorded webinar
Pangenomics and machine learning for crop improvement
Recorded webinar
Introduction to exploring genome-phenome data with EGA
Recorded webinar
Mouse strains in Ensembl
Recorded webinar
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC): a large-scale functional catalogue of mammalian genes
European Genome-phenome Archive: Quick tour
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: Finding phenotypes for your gene of interest
Functional genomics II: Common technologies and data analysis methods
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