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Scientific topic
- Peptide identification
- Bioinformatics1
- Biological models1
- Biological networks1
- Biological pathways1
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Cellular process pathways1
- Data rendering1
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- Discovery proteomics1
- Disease pathways1
- Environmental information processing pathways1
- Gene regulatory networks1
- Genetic information processing pathways1
- Interactions1
- Interactome1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Metabolic pathways1
- Metaproteomics1
- Molecular interactions1
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks1
- Networks1
- Pathways1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Protein interaction map1
- Protein interaction networks1
- Protein interactions1
- Protein interactome1
- Protein-DNA interaction1
- Protein-DNA interactions1
- Protein-RNA interaction1
- Protein-RNA interactions1
- Protein-ligand interactions1
- Protein-nucleic acid interactions1
- Protein-protein interactions1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- Signal transduction pathways1
- Signaling pathways1
- Targeted proteomics1
- Top-down proteomics1
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Standard database or policy
- STRING: functional protein association networks1
- Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals1
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Content provider
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate1
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Target audience
- Bioinformaticians1
- Biologists1
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- John "Scooter" Morris
- Björn Grüning27
- Melanie Föll26
- Saskia Hiltemann25
- Helena Rasche19
- Subina Mehta15
- Bérénice Batut14
- Nicola Soranzo13
- Niall Beard8
- Pratik Jagtap7
- Timothy J. Griffin7
- Florian Christoph Sigloch6
- William Durand5
- Clemens Blank4
- Mallory Freeberg3
- Florence Combes2
- Jayadev Joshi2
- Matthias Fahrner2
- Andrea Argentini1
- Anthony Bretaudeau1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Charlotte Soneson1
- Cristóbal Gallardo1
- Frederik Coppens1
- Hana Pergl Sustkova1
- James Johnson1
- Janick Mathys1
- Koen Van den Berge1
- Laurent Gatto1
- Lieven Clement1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Marek Vrbacky1
- Martin Hubalek1
- Martin Morgan1
- Melanie Foell1
- Mélanie Petera1
- Oliver Crook1
- Pavankumar Videm1
- Pavel Dvorak1
- Wolfgang Maier1
- npinter1
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