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Scientific topic
- Biological sequences1
- Community analysis1
- DNA metabarcoding1
- Environmental metabarcoding1
- Environmental microbiology1
- Metabarcoding1
- Metagenomics1
- Microbial ecology1
- Microbiome1
- Molecular community analysis1
- RNA metabarcoding1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Taxonomy1
- eDNA metabarcoding1
- eRNA metabarcoding1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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- 16S
- Assembly12
- Development in Galaxy8
- Transcriptomics8
- microgalaxy7
- plants7
- Epigenetics6
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses6
- Microbiome6
- assembly6
- Genome Annotation5
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training5
- nanopore5
- Climate4
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material4
- Galaxy Server administration4
- Sequence analysis4
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data4
- eukaryote4
- Metabolomics3
- Single Cell3
- pacbio3
- 10x2
- Imaging2
- QC2
- Statistics and machine learning2
- VGP2
- Variant Analysis2
- Visualisation2
- climate2
- collections2
- cyoa2
- jbrowse12
- metagenomics2
- pangeo2
- prokaryote2
- ChIP-seq1
- Community composition EBV class1
- EBV dataset1
- EBV workflow1
- Ecology1
- Foundations of Data Science1
- Genetic composition EBV class1
- Heatmap1
- Metabarcoding1
- Nanopore data analysis1
- Pathogens detection1
- Phylogenetic tree1
- Proteomics1
- R1
- Synthetic Biology1
- alternative splicing1
- amr1
- animals1
- beer1
- bulk1
- citizen science1
- drosophila1
- eDNA1
- epigenetics1
- español1
- genome1
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- illumina1
- interactive-tools1
- isoform switching1
- jupyter-notebook1
- metabarcoding1
- metatranscriptomics1
- miRNA1
- network analysis1
- one-health1
- polishing1
- quality control1
- rna-seq1
- stress tolerance1
- tags1
- taxonomic profiling1
- tuberculosis1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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Target audience
- Students1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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