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Scientific topic
- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Biological sequences1
- Exomes1
- Gene and protein families1
- Gene families1
- Gene family1
- Gene system1
- Genes, gene family or system1
- Genome annotation1
- Genomes1
- Genomics1
- Medical microbiology1
- Microbial genetics1
- Microbial physiology1
- Microbial surveillance1
- Microbiological surveillance1
- Microbiology1
- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Personal genomics1
- Protein families1
- Protein sequence classification1
- Sequence analysis1
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- Synthetic genomics1
- Viral genomics1
- Whole genomes1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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- microgalaxy
- Computational chemistry9
- Genome Annotation4
- Metabolomics3
- Single Cell3
- gmod3
- jbrowse13
- Statistics and machine learning2
- eukaryote2
- QC1
- Sequence analysis1
- Transcriptomics1
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- apollo21
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- computational-chemistry1
- covid191
- cyoa1
- data-management1
- drosophila1
- fair1
- medicinal-chemistry1
- one-health1
- prokaryote1
- rna-seq1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate1
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Target audience
- Students
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- Simon Bray
- Bérénice Batut32
- Saskia Hiltemann32
- Helena Rasche30
- Björn Grüning24
- Anthony Bretaudeau11
- Niall Beard8
- Nicola Soranzo8
- Cristóbal Gallardo7
- Deepti Varshney6
- Teresa Müller5
- Anton Nekrutenko4
- Melanie Föll4
- Peter van Heusden4
- Subina Mehta4
- William Durand4
- Wolfgang Maier4
- Bazante Sanders3
- Clea Siguret3
- Gildas Le Corguillé3
- Mallory Freeberg3
- Maria Doyle3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Nate Coraor3
- Paul Zierep3
- Christoph Stritt2
- Delphine Lariviere2
- Engy Nasr2
- Linelle Abueg2
- Lucille Delisle2
- Mélanie Petera2
- Simon Gladman2
- Willem de Koning2
- pimarin2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Anna Syme1
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano1
- Bert Droesbeke1
- Donny Vrins1
- Enis Afgan1
- Galo A. Goig1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson1
- Matthias Bernt1
- Matúš Kalaš1
- Nikos Pechlivanis1
- Nuwan Goonasekera1
- Pavankumar Videm1
- Polina Polunina1
- Siyu Chen1
- Stéphanie Robin1
- Vijay1
- mmiladi1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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