Training materials
Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing with XCMS
•• intermediateMetabolomics -
Mass spectrometry: GC-MS data processing (with XCMS, RAMClustR, RIAssigner, and matchms)
•• intermediateMetabolomics -
Supervised Learning with Hyperdimensional Computing
•• intermediateStatistics and probability Statistics and machine learning -
Deeper look into Genome Assembly algorithms
•• intermediateSequence assembly Assembly -
An introduction to scRNA-seq data analysis
•• intermediateSingle Cell -
UNIX Shell Scripting in Life Sciences
•• intermediateprogramming training mark ibberson group -
hands-on tutorial
NGS analysis
•• intermediateSequencing NGS Next Generation Sequencing -
hands-on tutorial
A tour of Machine Learning
•• intermediateMachine learning Deep Learning Machine Learning -
hands-on tutorial
Bulk RNASeq analysis
•• intermediateTranscriptomics Gene expression Differential gene expression profiling Data analysis NGS RNASeq transcriptomics -
hands-on tutorial
AlphaFold and friends on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction AlphaFold Database (13181)