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Scientific topic
- Algorithms17
- Computer programming17
- Data structures17
- Programming languages17
- Software development17
- Software engineering17
- Bottom-up proteomics16
- Discovery proteomics16
- MS-based targeted proteomics16
- MS-based untargeted proteomics16
- Metaproteomics16
- Peptide identification16
- Protein and peptide identification16
- Proteomics16
- Quantitative proteomics16
- Targeted proteomics16
- Top-down proteomics16
- Rare diseases10
- Assembly7
- Computational chemistry7
- Data management7
- Metadata management7
- Research data management (RDM)7
- Sequence assembly7
- Simulation experiment7
- Molecular diagnostics6
- Personalised medicine6
- Precision medicine6
- Active learning5
- Biological models5
- Biological networks5
- Biological pathways5
- Cellular process pathways5
- Disease pathways5
- Ensembl learning5
- Environmental information processing pathways5
- Gene regulatory networks5
- Genetic information processing pathways5
- Interactions5
- Interactome5
- Kernel methods5
- Knowledge representation5
- Machine learning5
- Metabolic pathways5
- Molecular interactions5
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks5
- Networks5
- Neural networks5
- Pathways5
- Recommender system5
- Reinforcement learning5
- Signal transduction pathways5
- Signaling pathways5
- Supervised learning5
- Unsupervised learning5
- Bayesian methods4
- Biostatistics4
- Cloud computing4
- Computer science4
- Descriptive statistics4
- Evolution4
- Evolutionary biology4
- Gaussian processes4
- HPC4
- High performance computing4
- High-performance computing4
- Inferential statistics4
- Markov processes4
- Multivariate statistics4
- Probabilistic graphical model4
- Probability4
- Statistics4
- Statistics and probability4
- Antimicrobial stewardship3
- Bioinformatics3
- Biological sequences3
- Community analysis3
- Comparative transcriptomics3
- DNA variation3
- Environmental microbiology3
- Exomes3
- Exometabolomics3
- FAIR data3
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data3
- Genetic variation3
- Genome annotation3
- Genomes3
- Genomic variation3
- Genomics3
- LC-MS-based metabolomics3
- MS-based metabolomics3
- MS-based targeted metabolomics3
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics3
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics3
- Medical microbiology3
- Metabolites3
- Metabolome3
- Metabolomics3
- Metabonomics3
- Metagenomics3
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Mathematical modelling6
- Modelling and simulation6
- Data handling4
- File handling4
- File processing4
- Processing4
- Report handling4
- Utility operation4
- Data extraction2
- Data retrieval2
- Data retrieval (metadata)2
- Data visualisation2
- Metadata retrieval2
- Molecular visualisation2
- Plotting2
- Rendering2
- Retrieval2
- Visualisation2
- Annotation1
- Biological network analysis1
- Biological network modelling1
- Biological network prediction1
- Comparison1
- Database retrieval1
- Network analysis1
- Network comparison1
- Network modelling1
- Network prediction1
- Network simulation1
- Network topology simulation1
- Quality control1
- Query1
- Query and retrieval1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Sequence generation1
- Sequence generation (nucleic acid)1
- Sequence generation (protein)1
- Validation1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Galaxy53
- JBrowse5
- SAMtools5
- BWA4
- Open Babel3
- RDKit3
- fastp3
- msConvert3
- seqtk3
- Apollo2
- BCFtools2
- BEDTools2
- COMBAT-TB Workbench2
- Cutadapt2
- Data Stewardship Wizard2
- FastQC2
- Galactic Circos2
- MSstats2
- MaxQuant2
- Merqury2
- MultiQC2
- QualiMap2
- The Protein Data Bank (PDB)2
- Trimmomatic2
- UniProt2
- Workflow4Metabolomics2
- gffread2
- ggplot22
- iqtree2
- metaQuantome2
- snippy2
- tb-profiler2
- xcms2
- AutoDock Vina1
- BamTools1
- Bio3D1
- BioRuby1
- BioSimulations1
- BioSimulators1
- Biopython1
- Bwa-mem21
- Cardinal1
- CellNOptR1
- ChemicalToolbox1
- Circos1
- Cytoscape1
- Data Information System (DAISY)1
- DeepTools1
- European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)1
- FEELnc1
- FastTree1
- FeatureCounts1
- FlashLFQ1
- Flye1
- Fpocket1
- FreeBayes1
- GOseq1
- Galaxy Image Analysis1
- GenomeScope 2.01
- Gromacs1
- Helixer1
- InterMine1
- InterMineR1
- InterProScan (EBI)1
- Jvarkit1
- MALDIquant1
- MDAnalysis1
- MaBoSS1
- Matchms1
- Minimap21
- NanoPlot1
- Newick Utilities1
- Nextclade1
- OMArk1
- PLAZA dicots1
- PLAZA monocots1
- PhysiCell1
- RSeQC1
- RStudio1
- SRA Software Toolkit1
- SuCOS1
- Unicycler1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training79
- ELIXIR Portugal15
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics13
- Finn's Test Provider11
- PerMedCoE10
- ELIXIR Brazil5
- Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub2
- DTLS - Dutch Techcentre For Life Sciences2
- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics2
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research2
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)1
- COG-Train1
- ELIXIR Luxembourg1
- ELIXIR: The Czech Republic Node1
- Future Learn1
- InterMine1
- NanoCommons1
- UCLouvain Bioinformatics Platform1
- VIB Bioinformatics Core1
- eNanoMapper1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Foundations of Data Science17
- Proteomics17
- jupyter-notebook14
- Rare Diseases & Research10
- training10
- HPC9
- Biomodelling7
- Computational chemistry7
- Genome Annotation7
- Assembly6
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data6
- biostatistics6
- eukaryote6
- jbrowse16
- microgalaxy6
- Genomics5
- covid195
- gmod5
- one-health5
- AAI4
- Data analysis4
- data visualisation4
- programming4
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group4
- RNA-Seq3
- Authentication3
- Biological databases3
- DIA3
- Metabolomics3
- R3
- RNA3
- SQL3
- Variant Analysis3
- Visualisation3
- cell-level simulations3
- data stewardship3
- pacbio3
- prokaryote3
- proteogenomics3
- workflows3
- R-programming2
- Babraham Institute2
- Clinical data2
- Containers2
- DMP2
- DMP templates2
- DMP tools2
- Evolution2
- Galaxy Server administration2
- GraphDB2
- IAM2
- Imaging2
- Knowledge graph2
- Mass spectrometry data2
- Modeling2
- NGS2
- Phylogenetics2
- Population Genomics2
- Python2
- RDF2
- Reproducible Science2
- Single Cell2
- Standards2
- Statistics and machine learning2
- Structure prediction2
- Transcriptomics2
- VGP2
- apollo22
- assembly2
- authorisation2
- bash2
- bernd rinn group2
- biostatistics,experimental biology,functional genomics,genes and genomes,training2
- biostatistics,experimental biology,functional genomics,genes and genomes,training,mauro delorenzi & frédéric schütz group2
- biostatistics,experimental biology,functional genomics,genes and genomes,training,raphael gottardo group2
- cell simulations2
- collections2
- cyoa2
- data management plan2
- data mining2
- enanomapper2
- federated data analysis2
- game2
- genomics2
- interactive-tools2
- kubernetes2
- machine learning2
- mark ibberson group2
- mauro delorenzi & frédéric schütz group2
- metadata2
- programming,data analysis,training,data visualisation,torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group,mark ibberson group2
- programming,training,torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group,mark ibberson group2
- reproducibility2
- virology2
- Annotation1
- Beacon queries1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate
- Not specified1066
- Beginner707
- Advanced33
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International102
- License Not Specified57
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International6
- Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International3
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only3
- Other (Non-Commercial)3
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International2
- Academic Free License v3.01
- Apache License 2.01
- BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License1
- Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal1
- GNU General Public License v2.0 only1
- MIT License1
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Target audience
- Students77
- Academia/ Research Institution14
- Industry14
- Non-Profit Organisation14
- Healthcare11
- Researchers8
- software developers, bioinformaticians6
- Anyone interested in simulation of metabolic models, and in PerMedCoE tools and activities5
- Bioinformaticians5
- health professionals4
- PhD students4
- bioinformaticians4
- data stewards4
- rare disease patients representatives3
- Health Care Professionals3
- Life scientists with programming skills3
- Patient Advocates 3
- data managers3
- healthcare professionals3
- Biologists2
- Biomedical Researchers2
- Computational biologists2
- Data Managers2
- Data Scientists2
- Galaxy Administrators2
- General Physicians2
- Life Science Researchers2
- Post Docs2
- Research Scientists2
- medical students2
- modelers2
- postdoctoral researchers2
- service administrators in organizations that want to make use of ELIXIR AAI 2
- Research Assistants and Research Associates1
- All postgraduates1
- Developers wanting to distribute their MPI dependent software1
- Graduate students1
- HPC system maintainers wanting to enable MPI containers1
- Life scientists1
- Master students1
- Novice users of HPC and anyone who expects to need to use HPC systems at some stage in their research1
- PhD1
- Primary care doctors1
- Software developers1
- Support Staff1
- Training providers1
- Undergraduate students1
- Users wanting to construct MPI containers1
- biologists1
- computational scientists1
- data entering1
- data librarians1
- experimeintal biologist researchers1
- physisians1
- plant researchers1
- post-docs1
- programmers1
- project manager1
- scientific researchers, public health professionals and clinicians 1
- software engineers1
- statisticians1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics22
- Helena Rasche21
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics14
- The Carpentries10
- Wandrille Duchemin10
- Anthony Bretaudeau9
- Simon Bray7
- Pratik Jagtap6
- Subina Mehta6
- Timothy J. Griffin6
- Melanie Föll5
- Praveen Kumar5
- Saskia Hiltemann5
- Anton Nekrutenko4
- Avans Hogeschool4
- Bazante Sanders4
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos4
- Geert van Geest4
- Matthias Fahrner4
- Mikael Linden4
- Robin Engler4
- Wolfgang Maier4
- Christopher Barnett3
- Cristóbal Gallardo3
- Delphine Lariviere3
- Dominik Frantisek Bucik3
- Donny Vrins3
- Emma Leith3
- James Johnson3
- Marie Crane3
- Michal Prochazka3
- Ray Sajulga3
- Simon Andrews3
- Stéphanie Robin3
- Ahmed Mahfouz2
- Alex Mahmoud2
- Alex Ostrovsky2
- Alexandre Cormier2
- Anna Schaar2
- Baker Matthew2
- Bartosz Bartmanski2
- Björn Grüning2
- Brandon Pickett2
- Bräunlich Gerhard2
- Bérénice Batut2
- Daniel Blankenberg2
- Egon Willighagen2
- Enis Afgan2
- Erwan Corre2
- Flavio Lombardo2
- Florian Christoph Sigloch2
- Francesca Drummer2
- George Gavrillidis2
- Gildas Le Corguillé2
- Gustavo Ruiz Buendia2
- Helena Crowell2
- Hennig John2
- Henrik Nortamo2
- Isabelle Dupanloup2
- Jack Kuipers2
- Jack Kuipers and Wandrille Duchemin2
- Jana Broncova2
- Janick Mathys2
- Jayadev Joshi2
- Jesse Harrison2
- Joao Lourenço2
- John Davis2
- Jonathan Karr2
- Lars Borm2
- Lars Juhl Jensen2
- Laura Leroi2
- Linelle Abueg2
- Marco Varrone2
- Maria Christina Maniou2
- Marius van den Beek2
- Mark Robinson2
- Markus Muller and Thuong Van Du Tran2
- Marta Lloret Llinares2
- Miroslav Kratochvil2
- Morris Riedel2
- Nadia Goué2
- Naveed Ishaque2
- Nuwan Goonasekera2
- Pablo Moreno2
- Personalized Health Informatics Group2
- Rachel Jeitziner Marcone2
- Rasool Saghaleyni2
- Schmid Emanuel2
- Simon Gladman2
- Simone Tiberi2
- Simone Tiberi and Daniele Silvestro2
- Tania Wyss Lozano2
- Tania Wyss Lozano and Gustavo Ruiz Buendia2
- Tharindu Senapathi2
- Thomas Junier2
- Timothy Vaughan2
- Uwe Schmitt2
- Vermeul Swen2
- Yvan Saeys2
- Zoltan Kutalik2
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Saskia Hiltemann72
- Helena Rasche67
- Björn Grüning55
- Anthony Bretaudeau23
- Bérénice Batut21
- Melanie Föll16
- Marius van den Beek13
- Simon Bray12
- Cristóbal Gallardo11
- Peter van Heusden11
- Subina Mehta11
- Donny Vrins9
- Nicola Soranzo7
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano6
- Wolfgang Maier6
- Anton Nekrutenko5
- Bazante Sanders5
- Christopher Barnett5
- Gildas Le Corguillé5
- Lieven Clement5
- Stéphanie Robin5
- Wendi Bacon5
- Linelle Abueg4
- Martin Čech4
- Niall Beard4
- Daniel Faria3
- Daniel Neves3
- Daniel Sobral3
- Mallory Freeberg3
- Mélanie Petera3
- Romane LIBOUBAN3
- Teresa Müller3
- William Durand3
- Alexandre Cormier2
- Anna Syme2
- Clemens Blank2
- Delphine Lariviere2
- Enis Afgan2
- Erik Garrison2
- Florian Christoph Sigloch2
- Harald Barsnes2
- Hélène Chiapello2
- Jasper Ouwerkerk2
- Jayadev Joshi2
- Jeroen Gilis2
- Lennart Martens2
- Lounès Chikhi2
- Lucille Delisle2
- Maria Christina Maniou2
- Mark Beaumont2
- Mikko Rautiainen2
- Nate Coraor2
- Sabine Österle2
- Vasundra Touré2
- Vitor Sousa2
- Aitor Apaolaza 1
- Adam Taranto1
- Alexander Botzki1
- Allegra Via1
- Alvaro Gonzalez1
- Anup Kumar1
- Armando Arredondo1
- Armando Arredondo Soto1
- Aurélien F. A. Moumbock1
- Aysam Guerler1
- Bert Droesbeke1
- Bilal Shaikh1
- Carina Silva1
- Catherine Bromhead1
- Charlotte Soneson1
- Chris Child1
- Christoph Stritt1
- Daan van Vugt1
- Daniel Blankenberg1
- Dave Clements1
- David Bouyssié1
- David Castillo1
- David López1
- David Philip Judge1
- Deepti Varshney1
- Erwan Corre1
- Fabio Cumbo1
- Felicitas Kindel1
- Finn Bacall1
- Florian Heyl1
- François Serra1
- Galo A. Goig1
- Ion Moraru1
- Jacques van Helden1
- James Johnson1
- Janick Mathys1
- John "Scooter" Morris1
- John Chilton1
- Jonathan Kreplak1
- Jordan Eizenga1
- José Manuel Domínguez1
- Kenneth Hoste1
- Koen Van den Berge1
- Laura Leroi1
- Laurent Gatto1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Resource type
- e-learning87
- Documentation20
- Exercise14
- Handout14
- Scripts14
- Video12
- Tutorial9
- Training materials8
- Webinar8
- hands-on tutorial6
- slides4
- Presentation3
- course materials3
- E-learning2
- PDF2
- online modules2
- Series of videos1
- FREE online course1
- Mock data1
- Slides1
- slideck/ presentation1
- test?1
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Related resource
- Associated Training Datasets50
- Associated Workflows44
- Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)13
- Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)13
- Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook7
- kubernetes2
- DMPonline1
- Data Stewardship Wizard1
- Event1
- Slides1
- TeSS GitHub1
- TeSS Redesign Figma 1
- Workshop recording1
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- Testing 1231
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