Training materials
Scientific topics: Genotype and phenotype resources
and Difficulty level: Not specified
and Include archived: true
11 materials found
Recorded webinar
Investigating gene function and human disease through data on the IMPC portal
Accessing Mouse Phenotypes and Disease Associations with the IMPC Solr API: A complete Python guide
Data-driven plant sciences: A curated collection of EMBL-EBI on-demand training
Recorded webinar
Pangenomics and machine learning for crop improvement
Recorded webinar
Introduction to exploring genome-phenome data with EGA
Recorded webinar
Mouse strains in Ensembl
Recorded webinar
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC): a large-scale functional catalogue of mammalian genes
European Genome-phenome Archive: Quick tour
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: Finding phenotypes for your gene of interest
Functional genomics II: Common technologies and data analysis methods
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