Training materials
Introduction to Linux command line
• beginnerOperating system name Linux -
hands-on tutorial
R introduction
• beginnerR script Software engineering data visualisation programming -
hands-on tutorial
AlphaFold and friends on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction AlphaFold Database (13181) -
hands-on tutorial
Introduction to Git and Github
• beginnerSoftware engineering Git Github Version control -
hands-on tutorial
Gentle Introduction to Python
• beginnerPython script Software engineering Programming Python -
hands-on tutorial
Explore Protein Structures with ChimeraX
• beginnerProtein structure analysis Sequence analysis Structure visualisation ChimeraX Protein Structure analysis -
Basic statistics in Prism
• beginnerStatistics and probability statistics -
Recorded webinar
A guided tour of improvements to the UniProt website
Recorded webinar
Digital twins for drug repurposing by integrating mathematical modelling and machine learning: bridging the gap between in silico and real-world data
Recorded webinar
Using RNAcentral to explore and investigate non-coding RNA sequences