Content Providers
GOBLET, the Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training, is a legally registered foundation providing a global, sustainable support and networking structure for bioinformatics educators/trainers and students/trainees.
110 training materials0 events (1 past event)GOBLET GOBLET, the Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training, is a legally registered foundation providing a global, sustainable support and networking structure for bioinformatics educators/trainers and students/trainees. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/004/original/logo_goblet_trans.png?1469458222 -
Finn's Test Provider
46 training materials0 events (105 past events)Finn's Test Provider -
NBIS is a distributed national bioinformatics infrastructure, supporting life sciences in Sweden
2 training materials0 events (98 past events)NBIS NBIS is a distributed national bioinformatics infrastructure, supporting life sciences in Sweden /system/content_providers/images/000/000/071/original/Screenshot_2019-06-11_at_16.06.01.png?1560264937 -
Test Provider
1 training material0 events (86 past events)Test Provider -
CSC - IT Center for Science
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. is a non-profit, state-owned company administered by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. CSC maintains and develops the state-owned centralised IT infrastructure and uses it to provide nationwide IT services for research, libraries, archives, museums...
11 training materials0 events (79 past events)CSC - IT Center for Science CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. is a non-profit, state-owned company administered by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. CSC maintains and develops the state-owned centralised IT infrastructure and uses it to provide nationwide IT services for research, libraries, archives, museums and culture as well as information, education and research management. CSC has the task of promoting the operational framework of Finnish research, education, culture and administration. As a non-profit, government organisation, it is our duty to foster exemplary transparency, honesty and responsibility. Trust is the foundation of CSC's success. Customers, suppliers, owners and personnel alike must feel certain that we will fulfil our commitments and promises in an ethically sustainable manner. CSC has offices in Espoo's Keilaniemi and in the Renforsin Ranta business park in Kajaani. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/016/original/c65ddc42-63fc-44da-8d0f-9f88c54779d7?1469458451 -
Bioinformatics Visualization
The Biological Visualisation Network (BiVi) provides a forum for dissemination, training and discussion for life-scientists to discover and promote complex data visualisation ideas and solutions. BiVi, funded by the BBSRC, is a central resource for information on bio-visualisation and is...
72 training materials0 events (27 past events)Bioinformatics Visualization The Biological Visualisation Network (BiVi) provides a forum for dissemination, training and discussion for life-scientists to discover and promote complex data visualisation ideas and solutions. BiVi, funded by the BBSRC, is a central resource for information on bio-visualisation and is supplemented with annual meetings for networking and educational purposes, focussed around emerging trends in visualisation and challenges facing biology. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/077/original/logo.png?1498706596 -
Flemish Supercomputer Centre
The Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) is a virtual centre making supercomputer infrastructure available for both the academic and industrial world. This centre is managed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in partnership with the five Flemish university associations.
0 events (66 past events)Flemish Supercomputer Centre The Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) is a virtual centre making supercomputer infrastructure available for both the academic and industrial world. This centre is managed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in partnership with the five Flemish university associations. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/067/original/logo_VSC_CMYK-1.png?1487672198 -
Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub
The Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub (BBTH) is a BBSRC-funded collaborative project to coordinate the development and sharing of training materials and expertise across the UK’s National Institutes of Bioscience (NIB — for the increasingly important areas of...
62 training materialsBioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub The Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub (BBTH) is a BBSRC-funded collaborative project to coordinate the development and sharing of training materials and expertise across the UK’s National Institutes of Bioscience (NIB — for the increasingly important areas of bioinformatics and biomathematics. Guided by our NIB partners, researcher surveys, and interactions with interested bodies such as Elixir-UK, we will work to ensure that best use is made of existing assets and capabilities, that best practice is shared across the NIB, and that redundant effort is minimised going forwards. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/061/original/BBTH_logo.png?1480508618 -
NGS Registry
GitLab repository and its Wiki companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis.
60 training materialsNGS Registry GitLab repository and its Wiki companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis. -
Australian BioCommons
Australian BioCommons is a research infrastructure project building digital capability for life science research in Australia.
6 training materials0 events (59 past events)Australian BioCommons Australian BioCommons is a research infrastructure project building digital capability for life science research in Australia. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/123/original/Australian-Biocommons-Logo-Horizontal-144dpi_%282%29_%281%29.jpg?1580547111