CABANA workshop: Advanced RNAseq and network analysis in genomics
Date: 6 - 9 November 2019
This course will provide training on RNAseq data production and interpretation. The course starts with a brief introduction to RNA-seq and discusses quality control issues. Next, we will present the alignment step, quantification of expression and differential expression analysis. We will dedicate some time to analysing and constructing networks from expression data and using the Gene Ontology for gene set enrichment test. Finally, we will cover some aspects of Meta-metrics in networks (high-dimensional data).
Venue: Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza / Institute of Agricultural biology (IBAM), Almirante Brown 500, Chacras de Coria
Region: Mendoza
Country: Argentina
Postcode: M5528AHB
Organizer: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Capacity: 30
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: RNA-Seq, Molecular interactions, pathways and networks, Systems biology
Activity log