CZI-CABANA Joint Workshop: Microbiome Bioinformatics with QIIME 2
Date: 5 - 9 October 2020
Members of the QIIME 2 team will teach a five-day online workshop on bioinformatics tools for microbiome science. This workshop will provide attendees with the foundation needed to begin using QIIME 2 to advance their own microbiome research projects. This will be accomplished by providing detailed in-depth “theory” lectures, hands-on interactive tutorials, guided discussion, and general question-and-answer sessions
The workshop will include lectures covering QIIME 2 usage and theory, and interactive work with QIIME 2 to perform microbiome analysis from raw sequence data through publication-quality statistics and visualizations. This workshop will also feature several opportunities for attendees to network with other researchers in the field, as well as with QIIME 2 developers and other experts.
Organizer: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Capacity: 25
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: Microbiology
Activity log