EMBL-EBI Workshop: Bioinformatics tools for exploring protein biology, Iasi, Romania
Date: 4 - 5 April 2019
This two-day workshop will introduce participants to bioinformatics approaches for analysis biological data from resources such as UniProt and the PDBe. Day 1 will cover introductory programming in UNIX and python, sequence similarity searching, and how to navigate and use the protein sequence database UniProt. Day 2 will cover methods to access and retrieve data programmatically, the macromolecular structure database Protein Data Bank in Europe, and end with a talk and panel discussion on artificial intelligence’s role in protein structure prediction.
Activities will include interactive presentations and practical exercises delivered by experienced trainers, which will give trainees hands-on experience.
Venue: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Bulevardul Carol I nr. 11
Region: Iasi
Country: Romania
Postcode: 700506
Organizer: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Capacity: 30
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: Proteins
Activity log