Date: 21 - 30 March 2023

Do you want to learn more about genetic variation? Are you aware of the resources available for finding, viewing, and exploring variant data? Are you trying to link variant data to phenotypes?

This four-day workshop will demonstrate resources and bioinformatics tools available at EMBL-EBI and the Wellcome Sanger Institute that will aid understanding of human genetic variation. 

During the first three days, you will learn how to browse, retrieve, and use human genetic variation data via talks, demos, and tutorials. You will then be provided with exercises to work through the resources on your own with remote trainer support available if needed and provided space to meet other participants if you wish to do so. We will meet again on 30 March for a Q&A session and discussion about any questions or issues that occurred while working on the materials provided.

Virtual course

Participants will learn via a mix of live talks, demos, hands-on exercises, and trainer Q&A sessions. Practical experience will be developed through homework activities with remote trainer support. Live sessions will be delivered using Zoom with additional support and asynchronous communication via Slack.

Participants will need to be available between the hours of 09:30 15:30 GMT each day of the course from 21 – 23 March 2023 and from 09:30 – 12:00 BST on 30 March 2023. Trainers will be available to assist, answer questions, and provide further explanations during these times.


Keywords: Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor, Ensembl, European Variation Archive, UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource, NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog, European Genome-phenome Archive, Genome-Phenome, Somatic Mutations

Venue: , Wellcome Genome Campus

Region: Hinxton

Country: United Kingdom

Postcode: CB10 1SD

Organizer: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)

Capacity: 40

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: Genetic variation analysis, Genetic variation

Activity log