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Content provider
- Centre for Digital Life Norway5
- ELIXIR Luxembourg1
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- DMP9
- data publication9
- metadata9
- storage8
- data protection6
- Compliance5
- Identifiers5
- NeLS5
- TSD5
- data life cycle - analyse5
- data life cycle - plan5
- data life cycle - preserve5
- data life cycle - process5
- data life cycle - share5
- Data management plan4
- RDM4
- data life cycle - collect4
- data life cycle - reuse4
- sensitive4
- data management3
- data organisation3
- Data management planning2
- data quality2
- licensing2
- DMP tools1
- Data managment plan1
- Data storage1
- dat alife cycle - reuse1
- data life cycle - collect 1
- data management plan1
- sensitive data1
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Scientific topic
- Data management8
- Metadata management8
- Research data management (RDM)8
- Data archival4
- Data archiving4
- Data curation4
- Data curation and archival4
- Data preservation4
- Database curation4
- Research data archiving4
- FAIR data3
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data3
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- Processing
- Data handling9
- File handling9
- File processing9
- Report handling9
- Utility operation9
- Data brokering8
- Data deposition8
- Data deposition brokering8
- Data submission8
- Database deposition8
- Database submission8
- Data formatting3
- Data reformatting3
- File format conversion3
- File formatting3
- File reformatting3
- Format conversion3
- Data filtering2
- File format validation2
- Format validation2
- Sequence filtering2
- rRNA filtering2
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Event type
- Workshops and courses9
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- Sweden2
- Sverige1
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Target audience
- Researchers
- PhD candidate7
- All postgraduates6
- Professors6
- data steward / data manager6
- Life sciences5
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator5
- PhD candidates4
- PhD students4
- Post Docs4
- Beginner3
- data stewards3
- postdoctoral researchers3
- Biologists2
- data manager2
- rare disease patients representatives1
- Bioinformaticians1
- Bioinformaticians and Biologists who want to learn how to manipulate, process data, and make plots using R1
- Clinicians1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Life Scientists1
- Masters students1
- Postdoctoral researcher1
- Professor1
- database managers1
- healthcare professionals1
- medical specialists1
- registry curators1
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