Recorded webinar
Open access: Data sharing and submission
This webinar will be the first of our series of webinars on the topic of open access.
In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of sharing research data and illustrate how EMBL-EBI provides some of the infrastructure to allow data sharing.
Our first speaker, Tony Burdett, will talk about the importance of FAIR data. He’ll discuss the common misconceptions around FAIR data and open data and talk about some of the impact GDPR can have on data sharing. In this section, he will explain the role that metadata and standards play in data sharing and submissions to large public repositories like those at EMBL-EBI.
The second speaker, Birgit Meldal, works as a biocurator for IntAct and Complex Portal, resources for molecular interaction and protein complexes. In her part, she will illustrate how to submit data to these resources and will discuss the advantages and challenges of providing open access data.
Resource type: Recorded webinar
Scientific topics: Data quality management
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