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Scientific topic
- DNA variation9
- Genetic variation9
- Genomic variation9
- Mutation9
- Polymorphism9
- Somatic mutations9
- Antimicrobial stewardship3
- Assembly3
- Biological sequences3
- Communicable disease3
- Comparative transcriptomics3
- Exomes3
- Genome annotation3
- Genomes3
- Genomics3
- Infectious disease3
- Medical microbiology3
- Microbial genetics3
- Microbial physiology3
- Microbial surveillance3
- Microbiological surveillance3
- Microbiology3
- Molecular infection biology3
- Molecular microbiology3
- Personal genomics3
- Sequence analysis3
- Sequence assembly3
- Sequence databases3
- Synthetic genomics3
- Transcriptome3
- Transcriptomics3
- Transmissible disease3
- Viral genomics3
- Whole genomes3
- Epidemiology2
- Evolution2
- Evolutionary biology2
- Public health2
- Public health and epidemiology2
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Community analysis1
- DNA polymorphism1
- Discovery proteomics1
- Disease1
- Environmental microbiology1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Metagenomics1
- Metaproteomics1
- Microbial ecology1
- Microbiome1
- Microsatellites1
- Molecular community analysis1
- Pathology1
- Peptide identification1
- Phylogenetic clocks1
- Phylogenetic dating1
- Phylogenetic simulation1
- Phylogenetic stratigraphy1
- Phylogeny1
- Phylogeny reconstruction1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- SNP1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Single nucleotide polymorphism1
- Targeted proteomics1
- Taxonomy1
- Top-down proteomics1
- Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism1
- snps1
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- Galaxy21
- SAMtools11
- fastp8
- FastQC7
- BCFtools6
- BWA6
- MultiQC6
- Trimmomatic4
- NanoPlot3
- QualiMap3
- RSeQC3
- pyGenomeTracks3
- seqtk3
- BEDTools2
- BamTools2
- COMBAT-TB Workbench2
- Cutadapt2
- FreeBayes2
- IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR2
- PfamScan2
- StringTie2
- gffcompare2
- gffread2
- ggplot22
- iVar2
- kraken22
- rnaQUAST2
- snippy2
- tb-profiler2
- ABRicate1
- Bandage1
- Clair31
- Clustal 2 (Clustal W, Clustal X)1
- DESeq21
- EGA1
- FastTree1
- FeatureCounts1
- Flye1
- GOseq1
- JBrowse1
- Jvarkit1
- KrakenTools1
- MSstats1
- MaxQuant1
- Medaka1
- Minimap21
- Newick Utilities1
- Nextclade1
- R1
- RAxML1
- SRA Software Toolkit1
- UCSC Genome Browser Utilities1
- Unicycler1
- VarScan1
- compute_sequence_length1
- iqtree1
- lofreq1
- pangolin1
- pathview1
- pycoQC1
- snpEff1
- taxonomy_krona_chart1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training21
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- Variant Analysis9
- one-health7
- covid195
- microgalaxy4
- virology4
- Transcriptomics3
- cyoa3
- prokaryote3
- Evolution2
- Sequence analysis2
- Assembly1
- DDA1
- Heatmap1
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses1
- Microbiome1
- Nanopore data analysis1
- Pathogens detection1
- Phylogenetic tree1
- Proteomics1
- QC1
- TMT1
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data1
- alternative splicing1
- bulk1
- collections1
- drosophila1
- isoform switching1
- phylogenetics1
- rna-seq1
- tuberculosis1
- variant-analysis1
- workflows1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner12
- Intermediate6
- Advanced3
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Target audience
- Students
- Galaxy Administrators2
- Instructors2
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- Wolfgang Maier10
- Bérénice Batut5
- Anika Erxleben2
- Anton Nekrutenko2
- Björn Grüning2
- Christoph Stritt2
- Clemens Blank2
- Cristóbal Gallardo2
- Daniela Brites2
- Galo A. Goig2
- Helena Rasche2
- Lucille Delisle2
- Maria Doyle2
- Nicola Soranzo2
- Peter van Heusden2
- Saskia Hiltemann2
- Alexandre Cormier1
- Anne Pajon1
- Anthony Bretaudeau1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Daniel Blankenberg1
- Dave Clements1
- Engy Nasr1
- Erwan Corre1
- Jasper Ouwerkerk1
- Klemens Fröhlich1
- Laura Leroi1
- Mallory Freeberg1
- Marius van den Beek1
- Matthias Fahrner1
- Melanie Föll1
- Mo Heydarian1
- Paul Zierep1
- Pavankumar Videm1
- Simon Bray1
- Simon Gladman1
- Stéphanie Robin1
- Thoba Lose1
- Tomas Klingström1
- Torsten Houwaart1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Wolfgang Maier
- Saskia Hiltemann366
- Helena Rasche353
- Björn Grüning245
- Bérénice Batut144
- Nicola Soranzo82
- Cristóbal Gallardo73
- Anthony Bretaudeau71
- Niall Beard50
- Wendi Bacon48
- William Durand41
- Mehmet Tekman40
- Gildas Le Corguillé38
- Melanie Föll34
- Pavankumar Videm31
- Yvan Le Bras31
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano27
- Marius van den Beek27
- Teresa Müller27
- Simon Bray24
- Donny Vrins23
- Maria Doyle22
- Peter van Heusden21
- Martin Čech20
- Nate Coraor20
- Bazante Sanders18
- Julia Jakiela18
- Anne Fouilloux17
- Anton Nekrutenko17
- Khaled Jum'ah17
- Anup Kumar16
- Lucille Delisle16
- Subina Mehta16
- Deepti Varshney15
- Mélanie Petera12
- Pratik Jagtap12
- Timothy J. Griffin12
- Pablo Moreno11
- Stéphanie Robin11
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka10
- Matthias Bernt10
- David López9
- Marie Josse9
- Marisa Loach9
- Simon Gladman9
- Dave Clements8
- Mallory Freeberg8
- Alexandre Cormier7
- Delphine Lariviere7
- Kaivan Kamali7
- Melissa Burke7
- Anna Syme6
- Christopher Barnett6
- Clemens Blank6
- Ekaterina Polkh6
- Florian Christoph Sigloch6
- Florian Heyl6
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz6
- Paul Zierep6
- Alireza Khanteymoori5
- Bert Droesbeke5
- Linelle Abueg5
- Clea Siguret4
- Coline Royaux4
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos4
- Morgan Howells4
- Eli Chadwick3
- Fabio Cumbo3
- Jasper Ouwerkerk3
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson3
- Joachim Wolff3
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz3
- Laura Leroi3
- Leonid Kostrykin3
- Maria Christina Maniou3
- Mateo Boudet3
- Mateusz Kuzak3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Nadia Goué3
- Romane LIBOUBAN3
- Sofoklis Keisaris3
- Xavier Garnier3
- Ahmed Hamid Awan2
- Alex Ostrovsky2
- Amirhossein Naghsh Nilchi2
- Andrea Bagnacani2
- Anika Erxleben2
- Camila Goclowski2
- Carlos Chee Mendonça2
- Christoph Stritt2
- CicoZhang2
- Engy Nasr2
- Enis Afgan2
- Erwan Corre2
- Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil2
- Fidel Ramirez2
- Florence Combes2
- Graeme Tyson2
- Jayadev Joshi2
- Jonathan Kreplak2
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Resource type
- e-learning20
- slides1
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Related resource
- Associated Workflows19
- Associated Training Datasets15
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