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Scientific topic
- Data management64
- Metadata management64
- Research data management (RDM)64
- Algorithms63
- Computer programming63
- Data structures63
- Programming languages63
- Software development63
- Software engineering63
- FAIR data39
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data39
- Biological sequences30
- Sequence analysis30
- Sequence databases30
- Comparative transcriptomics24
- Transcriptome24
- Transcriptomics24
- Bayesian methods23
- Biostatistics23
- Descriptive statistics23
- Gaussian processes23
- Inferential statistics23
- Markov processes23
- Multivariate statistics23
- Probabilistic graphical model23
- Probability23
- Statistics23
- Statistics and probability23
- Computational ecology22
- Ecoinformatics22
- Ecological informatics22
- Ecology22
- Ecosystem science22
- Community analysis20
- Environmental microbiology20
- Microbial ecology20
- Microbiome20
- Molecular community analysis20
- Metagenomics19
- Shotgun metagenomics19
- Assembly18
- Sequence assembly18
- Bottom-up proteomics17
- Discovery proteomics17
- Exomes17
- Genome annotation17
- Genomes17
- Genomics17
- MS-based targeted proteomics17
- MS-based untargeted proteomics17
- Metaproteomics17
- Peptide identification17
- Personal genomics17
- Protein and peptide identification17
- Proteomics17
- Quantitative proteomics17
- Synthetic genomics17
- Targeted proteomics17
- Top-down proteomics17
- Viral genomics17
- Whole genomes17
- Antimicrobial stewardship15
- Medical microbiology15
- Microbial genetics15
- Microbial physiology15
- Microbial surveillance15
- Microbiological surveillance15
- Microbiology15
- Molecular infection biology15
- Molecular microbiology15
- Epigenomics13
- Taxonomy13
- DNA variation12
- Genetic variation12
- Genomic variation12
- Mutation12
- Polymorphism12
- Somatic mutations12
- Diffraction experiment11
- Imaging11
- Microscopy11
- Microscopy imaging11
- Optical super resolution microscopy11
- Photonic force microscopy11
- Photonic microscopy11
- Applied ontology10
- Ontologies10
- Ontology10
- Ontology and terminology10
- Ontology relations10
- Terminology10
- Upper ontology10
- Cloud computing9
- Computer science9
- Exometabolomics9
- HPC9
- High performance computing9
- High-performance computing9
- LC-MS-based metabolomics9
- MS-based metabolomics9
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Data handling44
- File handling44
- File processing44
- Processing44
- Report handling44
- Utility operation44
- Data extraction11
- Data retrieval11
- Data retrieval (metadata)11
- Metadata retrieval11
- Retrieval11
- Data analysis10
- Data brokering7
- Data deposition7
- Data deposition brokering7
- Data submission7
- Database deposition7
- Database submission7
- Database retrieval4
- Query4
- Query and retrieval4
- Data visualisation2
- Database search2
- Molecular visualisation2
- Normalisation2
- Ontology browsing2
- Ontology visualisation2
- Plotting2
- Rendering2
- Search2
- Standardisation2
- Standardisation and normalisation2
- Visualisation2
- Alignment1
- Alignment construction1
- Alignment generation1
- Allele calling1
- Annotation1
- Data editing1
- Data formatting1
- Data reformatting1
- Exome variant detection1
- File format conversion1
- File formatting1
- File reformatting1
- Format conversion1
- Genome variant detection1
- Germ line variant calling1
- Image analysis1
- Mathematical modelling1
- Modelling and simulation1
- Mutation detection1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Read pre-processing1
- Sequence read pre-processing1
- Somatic variant calling1
- Variant calling1
- Variant mapping1
- de novo mutation detection1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Galaxy223
- FastQC30
- SAMtools21
- BEDTools14
- BWA14
- MultiQC14
- scikit-learn14
- Data Stewardship Wizard12
- Cutadapt11
- DeepTools11
- fastp11
- taxonomy_krona_chart9
- NanoPlot7
- kraken27
- Bandage6
- FreeBayes6
- JBrowse6
- Trimmomatic6
- Bowtie 25
- FASTX-Toolkit5
- MetaPhlAn5
- BamTools4
- Chipster4
- Diamond4
- Flye4
- HUMAnN24
- KrakenTools4
- MaxQuant4
- MuSiC suite: PoPMuSiC, HoTMuSiC, and SNPMuSiC4
- RStudio4
- Workflow4Metabolomics4
- ggplot24
- mothur4
- snpEff4
- BCFtools3
- Biopython3
- Bracken3
- CellProfiler3
- Clustal 1.8 (Clustal W, Clustal X)3
- DropletUtils3
- Galactic Circos3
- GraPhlAn3
- MSstats3
- Minimap23
- Newick Utilities3
- RSeQC3
- SeqCode3
- SortMeRNA3
- Stacks3
- annotatemyids3
- bx-python3
- export2graphlan3
- humann3
- seqtk3
- xcms3
- Bakta2
- BridgeDbR2
- Bwa-mem22
- Cardinal2
- ChIPpeakAnno2
- GOEnrichment2
- GOseq2
- Galaxy Image Analysis2
- GenomeScope 2.02
- Heinz2
- InterMine2
- InterMineR2
- InterProScan (EBI)2
- Medaka2
- Merqury2
- Ontology Lookup Service2
- Open Babel2
- R2
- Racon2
- Recentrifuge2
- RepeatMasker2
- Salmon2
- Trim Galore2
- UniProt2
- Unicycler2
- Unipept2
- Vcflib2
- Zooma2
- clusterProfiler2
- ewastools2
- gfastats2
- lofreq2
- msConvert2
- Show N_FILTERS more
Standard database or policy
- Minimum Information about Plant Phenotyping Experiment2
- OBO Foundry2
- Wheat Data Interoperability Guidelines 1
- Bioschemas1
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest1
- Common Workflow Language1
- Crop Ontology1
- Ensembl1
- IUPAC International Chemical Identifier1
- Identifiers.org Registry1
- MDL molfile Format1
- Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors1
- Plant Phenotype Experiment Ontology1
- STRING: functional protein association networks1
- Schema.org1
- Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals1
- Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification Format1
- The Human Metabolome Database1
- Wheat Trait Ontology1
- Wikidata1
- data.eNanoMapper.net1
- eNanoMapper Ontology1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Content provider
- Galaxy Training444
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics44
- Finn's Test Provider34
- DTLS - Dutch Techcentre For Life Sciences31
- Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub23
- ELIXIR Brazil9
- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics8
- Centre for Digital Life Norway7
- CSC - IT Center for Science5
- Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, Maastricht University5
- ELIXIR Luxembourg5
- ELIXIR Portugal5
- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)5
- NanoCommons4
- University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training4
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)3
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)3
- COG-Train2
- InterMine2
- VIB Bioinformatics Core2
- ELIXIR Norway1
- ELIXIR Slovenia1
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research1
- Test Provider1
- de.NBI1
- eNanoMapper1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Galaxy Server administration52
- training45
- Single Cell34
- data management34
- Foundations of Data Science31
- microgalaxy30
- jupyter-notebook29
- Transcriptomics25
- Development in Galaxy24
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material23
- Ecology22
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research19
- FAIR data19
- Statistics and machine learning19
- ansible19
- Microbiome18
- git-gat18
- FAIR17
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data17
- Proteomics16
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training16
- genes and genomes16
- interactive-tools16
- 10x15
- Genome Annotation15
- fair15
- Assembly14
- Climate14
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses14
- reproducibility14
- Data management planning13
- Data analysis13
- Epigenetics13
- data stewardship13
- earth-system13
- Roslin Institute12
- paper-replication12
- Data management plan11
- Variant Analysis11
- next generation sequencing10
- prokaryote10
- Sequence analysis9
- data visualisation9
- plants9
- programming9
- transcriptomics9
- EBV workflow8
- Imaging8
- Metabolomics8
- cyoa8
- gmod8
- medicine and health8
- ocean8
- services and resources8
- Babraham Institute7
- DDA7
- EBV dataset7
- Evolution7
- Metadata7
- Ontologies7
- dmp7
- jbrowse17
- workflows7
- EeLP6
- Workflows6
- alan bridge group6
- assembly6
- basic research6
- bioinformatics6
- database curation6
- eLearning6
- experimental biology6
- marc robinson-rechavi group6
- mark ibberson group6
- metagenomics6
- nanopore6
- proteins and proteomes6
- ro-crate6
- 16S5
- Clinical data5
- DMP5
- Data management planning5
- Standards5
- biostatistics5
- covid195
- data management plan5
- data sharing5
- high-performance computing5
- illumina5
- jobs5
- label-TMT115
- machine learning5
- metabarcoding5
- Data collection4
- Data preserving4
- Data sharing4
- Bioinformatics4
- Data preserving4
- Show N_FILTERS more
Difficulty level
- Beginner
- Not specified1065
- Intermediate180
- Advanced33
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International500
- License Not Specified101
- Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International28
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International12
- Other (Not Open)12
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International8
- Other (Non-Commercial)7
- Apache License 2.04
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International4
- Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal4
- Other (Open)4
- MIT License3
- Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International1
- GNU General Public License v2.0 only1
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only1
- Other (Attribution)1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Target audience
- Students325
- Galaxy Administrators76
- Instructors43
- PhD candidate27
- Researchers24
- Biologists21
- PhD students16
- Life Science Researchers15
- bioinformaticians13
- PhD candidates9
- Bioinformaticians8
- Master students7
- Biomedical Researchers5
- Biomedical researchers5
- Data Managers5
- Data Scientists5
- Research Scientists5
- Trainers5
- All postgraduates4
- Chemists4
- Life scientists4
- Post Docs4
- Professors4
- Training Designers4
- Training instructors4
- biologists4
- data stewards4
- Academia/ Research Institution3
- Healthcare3
- Industry3
- Non-Profit Organisation3
- Patient Advocates 3
- data steward / data manager3
- life scientists3
- software developers, bioinformaticians3
- rare disease patients representatives2
- Anyone interested in data standardization and/or the ontology approach (i.e. public, end users).2
- Bench biologists2
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists2
- Laboratory technicians2
- PhD2
- Scientists2
- Staff2
- Undergraduate students2
- Veterinarians2
- computational scientists2
- data manager2
- policy officer2
- post-docs2
- project manager2
- Anyone1
- Beginners1
- Biochemists1
- Bioimage Analysts1
- Biophysicists1
- Computational biologists1
- Computer Vision scientists1
- Curators1
- Developers1
- General Interest1
- Graduate students1
- IT support1
- Image Analysts1
- Life sciences1
- Microbiologists1
- Microscopists1
- PhD students, computer scientists, bioinformaticians and developers who need to maintain/extend existing tools or develop new tools for Galaxy. 1
- Policy makers1
- Post-Doctoral Fellows1
- Postdoctoral researcher1
- Postgraduate students1
- Professor1
- Public Health Professionals1
- Python for Biologists1
- Researcher1
- Scientists who want to optimise their literature searches1
- Senior Managers1
- Senior Researchers, Lab Managers, Postdocs and PhD Students with basic knowledge of DMPs. Participants in the "Introduction to Data Management Plans" workshop.1
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator1
- Software providers1
- System administrators1
- Technicians1
- beginner1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- biocurators1
- data managers1
- database managers1
- esearchers and research software engineers who would like to begin automating their analyses in workflows. 1
- experimental nanoscientists1
- geneticists1
- journalists1
- mass spectrometry1
- modelers1
- operational manager1
- plant researchers1
- postdocs1
- postdoctoral researchers1
- programmers1
- researchers1
- scientific researchers, public health professionals and clinicians 1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche83
- Bérénice Batut75
- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics68
- Saskia Hiltemann45
- Björn Grüning31
- Anton Nekrutenko22
- Nicola Soranzo20
- Wendi Bacon19
- Yvan Le Bras19
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka18
- Nate Coraor18
- Simon Gladman18
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz17
- Marie Josse17
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos16
- Anthony Bretaudeau15
- Anne Fouilloux14
- Bazante Sanders14
- Mehmet Tekman14
- Julia Jakiela13
- Maria Doyle13
- The Carpentries13
- Dave Clements10
- Donny Vrins10
- Mijke Jetten10
- Subina Mehta10
- Anup Kumar9
- Khaled Jum'ah9
- Lucille Delisle9
- Paul Zierep9
- Pavankumar Videm9
- Anika Erxleben8
- Celia van Gelder8
- Cristóbal Gallardo8
- Geert van Geest8
- Helen Brown8
- Wandrille Duchemin8
- Daniel Blankenberg7
- Delphine Lariviere7
- Joachim Wolff7
- John Chilton7
- Kaivan Kamali7
- Korbinian Bösl7
- Laura Cooper7
- Marius van den Beek7
- Martin Čech7
- Robert Andrews7
- Sergio Martínez Cuesta7
- Allegra Via6
- Andrew Mason6
- Anne Pajon6
- Branka Franicevic6
- Coline Royaux6
- ELIXIR Goblet Train the Trainers6
- Elisabeth Gasteiger6
- Melanie Föll6
- Michael Charleston6
- Patricia Palagi6
- Philippe Rocca-Serra6
- Sara Morsy6
- Wolfgang Maier6
- Xenia Perez Sitja6
- Alex Ostrovsky5
- Alexandre Cormier5
- Anna Syme5
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano5
- Clemens Blank5
- Dechen Bhuming5
- Egon Willighagen5
- Erwan Corre5
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz5
- Katherine Do5
- Kellie Snow5
- Korneel Hens5
- Laura Leroi5
- Marie-Claude Blatter5
- Mira Kuntz5
- Morgan Howells5
- Munazah Andrabi5
- Nick Juty5
- Personalized Health Informatics Group5
- Pratik Jagtap5
- Saskia Lawson-Tovey5
- Alireza Khanteymoori4
- Eija Korpelainen4
- Emma Griffiths4
- Engy Nasr4
- Florian Heyl4
- Frédéric de Lamotte4
- Gildas Le Corguillé4
- Grégoire Rossier4
- Mallory Freeberg4
- Marc Robinson-Rechavi4
- Philippe Le Mercier4
- Robin Engler4
- Simon Andrews4
- Simon Bray4
- Simone Leo4
- Stéphanie Robin4
- Vassilios Ioannidis4
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Saskia Hiltemann393
- Helena Rasche387
- Björn Grüning263
- Bérénice Batut179
- Nicola Soranzo132
- Cristóbal Gallardo82
- Niall Beard72
- Anthony Bretaudeau69
- Martin Čech64
- Nate Coraor60
- Gildas Le Corguillé50
- William Durand49
- Wendi Bacon48
- Mehmet Tekman43
- Simon Gladman42
- Marius van den Beek41
- Lucille Delisle37
- Yvan Le Bras32
- Pavankumar Videm26
- Teresa Müller25
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano22
- Maria Doyle22
- Julia Jakiela20
- Anne Fouilloux19
- Khaled Jum'ah16
- Melanie Föll16
- Wolfgang Maier16
- Anup Kumar15
- Simon Bray15
- Deepti Varshney14
- Donny Vrins14
- Bazante Sanders13
- Marie Josse13
- Matthias Bernt12
- Pablo Moreno12
- Anton Nekrutenko11
- Mélanie Petera11
- Peter van Heusden11
- David López10
- Gianmauro Cuccuru10
- Marisa Loach10
- Mira Kuntz10
- Subina Mehta10
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka9
- John Chilton8
- Paul Zierep8
- Delphine Lariviere7
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz7
- Kaivan Kamali7
- Melissa Burke7
- Dave Clements6
- Ekaterina Polkh6
- Tomas Klingström6
- Alex Ostrovsky5
- Alexandre Cormier5
- Alireza Khanteymoori5
- Bert Droesbeke5
- Florian Heyl5
- John Davis5
- Mallory Freeberg5
- Pratik Jagtap5
- Sabine Österle5
- Stéphanie Robin5
- Timothy J. Griffin5
- Anna Syme4
- Clea Siguret4
- Coline Royaux4
- Daniel Sobral4
- Dave B.4
- Eli Chadwick4
- Enis Afgan4
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos4
- Andrea Bagnacani3
- Catherine Bromhead3
- Clemens Blank3
- David Philip Judge3
- Eija Korpelainen3
- Gautier Sarah3
- Jean-François Dufayard3
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson3
- Joachim Wolff3
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz3
- Mateo Boudet3
- Mateusz Kuzak3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Nuwan Goonasekera3
- Pedro Fernandes3
- Pinar Alper3
- Roland Krause3
- Ross Lazarus3
- Sofoklis Keisaris3
- Vlad Visan3
- Xavier Garnier3
- Ahmed Hamid Awan2
- Amirhossein Naghsh Nilchi2
- Anika Erxleben2
- Camila Goclowski2
- CicoZhang2
- Dannon Baker2
- Edwin den Haas2
- Show N_FILTERS more
Resource type
- e-learning368
- slides90
- Slidedeck29
- Video29
- Slides20
- Training materials18
- Tutorial14
- course materials10
- Presentation8
- Webinar7
- Documentation6
- E-learning5
- hands-on tutorial5
- PDF4
- Exercise3
- Handout3
- Scripts3
- slideck/ presentation3
- Computer Software2
- FREE online course2
- Installation instructions2
- Jupyter notebook2
- Manual2
- Vignette2
- Series of videos1
- API reference1
- Book1
- Carpentries style curriculum1
- Mock data1
- Recorded webinar1
- Training materials with mock data1
- ViralZone1
- educational materials1
- hackathon1
- workflow1
- youtube video1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Related resource
- Associated Training Datasets264
- Associated Workflows196
- Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook173
- Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)27
- Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)27
- ansible19
- git-gat18
- jobs5
- deploying3
- monitoring3
- ro-crate3
- DMPonline2
- Slides2
- Workshop recording2
- cyoa2
- networking2
- storage2
- training2
- wireguard2
- workflows2
- CanCOGeN1
- Community1
- DDA1
- DS Wizard ELIXIR-Norway 1
- Data Stewardship Wizard1
- ENA1
- Galaxy project guided tours1
- Next generation biobanking ontology (NGBO)1
- Public Health Alliance for Genomic Epidemiology1
- RCN Open data policy 1
- RDMkit 1
- Ready For BioData Management?1
- SIG1
- Workshop FAIR & Data stewardship for the 2020 ITN ProEVLifeCycle1
- Workshop FAIR & Data stewardship for the 2021 ITN ProEVLifeCycle1
- apollo21
- authentication1
- automation1
- beacon1
- broken1
- cloud1
- data1
- fair1
- features1
- ga4gh1
- gmod1
- gtn1
- interactive-tools1
- recorded guidance on how to install a SciNote account1
- recorded intro to hackathon1
- recorded presentation on integration of ELNs in nanosciences1
- systemd1
- terraform1
- tools1
- work-in-progress1
- Show N_FILTERS more
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