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Scientific topic
- Biological sequences6
- Exomes6
- Genome annotation6
- Genomes6
- Genomics6
- Personal genomics6
- Sequence analysis6
- Sequence databases6
- Synthetic genomics6
- Viral genomics6
- Whole genomes6
- Antimicrobial stewardship5
- Medical microbiology5
- Microbial genetics5
- Microbial physiology5
- Microbial surveillance5
- Microbiological surveillance5
- Microbiology5
- Molecular infection biology5
- Molecular microbiology5
- Gene and protein families4
- Gene families4
- Gene family4
- Gene system4
- Genes, gene family or system4
- Protein families4
- Protein sequence classification4
- De novo genome sequencing2
- Genome sequencing2
- Mobile genetic elements2
- Transposons2
- WGS2
- Whole genome resequencing2
- Whole genome sequencing2
- AMR1
- Antibiotic resistance (ABR)1
- Antifungal resistance1
- Antimicrobial resistance1
- Antiprotozoal resistance1
- Antiviral resistance1
- Communicable disease1
- Epidemiology1
- Extensive drug resistance (XDR)1
- Functional genomics1
- Infectious disease1
- Multidrug resistance1
- Multiple drug resistance (MDR)1
- Multiresistance1
- Pandrug resistance (PDR)1
- Phylogenetic clocks1
- Phylogenetic dating1
- Phylogenetic simulation1
- Phylogenetic stratigraphy1
- Phylogeny1
- Phylogeny reconstruction1
- Public health1
- Public health and epidemiology1
- Total drug resistance (TDR)1
- Transmissible disease1
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- Galaxy20
- JBrowse9
- Apollo3
- Bakta2
- Clustal 1.8 (Clustal W, Clustal X)2
- Cutadapt2
- Diamond2
- FastQC2
- InterProScan (EBI)2
- MultiQC2
- eggNOG-mapper v22
- gffread2
- tbl2gff32
- BEDTools1
- Bowtie1
- Bowtie 21
- DeepTools1
- FEELnc1
- Helixer1
- ISEScan1
- Integron Finder1
- NCBI Resources1
- OMArk1
- PlasmidFinder1
- RED1
- RapidNJ1
- RepeatMasker1
- RepeatModeler1
- antiSMASH1
- bx-python1
- chemfp1
- funannotate1
- orfipy1
- staramr1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training22
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- Genome Annotation
- microgalaxy34
- Single Cell31
- Proteomics28
- Transcriptomics26
- Galaxy Server administration23
- Microbiome22
- Statistics and machine learning20
- 10x16
- Assembly16
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data15
- fair14
- gmod14
- jbrowse114
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research13
- prokaryote13
- Ecology12
- Variant Analysis12
- Epigenetics11
- paper-replication11
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses10
- data stewardship10
- eukaryote10
- Evolution9
- Foundations of Data Science9
- Metabolomics9
- Sequence analysis9
- ansible9
- cyoa9
- git-gat9
- interactive-tools9
- jupyter-notebook9
- Climate8
- Imaging8
- label-free8
- plants8
- Computational chemistry7
- DDA7
- assembly7
- dmp7
- EBV dataset6
- EBV workflow6
- collections6
- nanopore6
- Visualisation5
- data management5
- illumina5
- label-TMT115
- metagenomics5
- one-health5
- work-in-progress5
- 16S4
- DIA4
- Genetic composition EBV class4
- HeLa4
- bacteria4
- covid194
- metabarcoding4
- mouse4
- ChIP-seq3
- QC3
- R3
- RAD-seq3
- amr3
- apollo23
- bioimaging3
- metatranscriptomics3
- open3
- pacbio3
- pangeo3
- proteogenomics3
- rmarkdown-notebook3
- transcriptomics3
- Community composition EBV class2
- Data Paper2
- Development in Galaxy2
- EML2
- Metadata2
- Python2
- Species population EBV class2
- Species populations EBV class2
- Synthetic Biology2
- VGP2
- bulk2
- climate2
- data import2
- deep-learning2
- epigenetics2
- essential genes2
- evolution2
- human2
- jobs2
- jupyter-lab2
- machine-learning2
- maker2
- monitoring2
- networking2
- phylogenetics2
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Difficulty level
- Beginner15
- Intermediate6
- Advanced1
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Target audience
- Students22
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- Anthony Bretaudeau10
- Bérénice Batut3
- Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil2
- Helena Rasche2
- Maria Doyle2
- Mateo Boudet2
- Nathan Dunn2
- Stéphanie Robin2
- Alexandre Cormier1
- Anika Erxleben1
- Anna Syme1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Bazante Sanders1
- Björn Grüning1
- Delphine Lariviere1
- Erwan Corre1
- Jonathan Kreplak1
- Kenji Fujihara1
- Laura Leroi1
- Paul Zierep1
- Romane LIBOUBAN1
- Simon Gladman1
- Sylvia Mahara1
- Torsten Seemann1
- Twishi Gulati1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche21
- Saskia Hiltemann19
- Anthony Bretaudeau15
- Björn Grüning15
- Bérénice Batut12
- Cristóbal Gallardo4
- Deepti Varshney3
- Nicola Soranzo3
- Simon Bray3
- Stéphanie Robin3
- Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil2
- Gildas Le Corguillé2
- Jonathan Kreplak2
- Laura Leroi2
- Niall Beard2
- Paul Zierep2
- Romane LIBOUBAN2
- Teresa Müller2
- Alexandre Cormier1
- Anna Syme1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Bazante Sanders1
- Delphine Lariviere1
- Donny Vrins1
- Ekaterina Polkh1
- Erwan Corre1
- Felicitas Kindel1
- Jasper Ouwerkerk1
- Maria Doyle1
- Miaomiao Zhou1
- Simon Gladman1
- William Durand1
- pimarin1
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Resource type
- e-learning19
- slides3
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