Training materials
1992 materials found
Enzymes: Extracting Biological Insight Using UniProt
• beginner -
Introduction to Viral Bioinformatics
• beginnergenes and genomes infectious disease medicine and health services and resources training -
Introduction to bulk RNA-Seq: From Quality Control to Pathway Analysis
• beginnerfunctional genomics genes and genomes next generation sequencing transcriptomics training -
Introduction to Large Language Models for Life Scientists
• beginnermachine learning mark ibberson group training -
ISMARA and CREMA: automatically inferring gene regulatory networks from gene expression, chromatin accessibility or epigenome data
• beginner -
When immunology meets bioinformatics
• beginner -
Interactive Visualization with Python
•• intermediatedata visualisation training torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group -
Data Analysis and Representation in Python
•• intermediateprogramming,data analysis,training,data visualisation,torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group,mark ibberson group programming,training,torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group,mark ibberson group -
Diving into deep learning - theory and applications with PyTorch
•• intermediate -
UNIX Shell Scripting in Life Sciences
•• intermediateprogramming training mark ibberson group